Whoa, that was a long break. There was a lot happening and a lot not happening. I'll digest some stuff first.
Bike is fixed, I paid off the deductible on the insurance claim, then switch companies. Have not picked it up yet as Winter decided to come back. Next weekend is the projection.
I quit the Fire Department, for a couple of reasons, there are only so many nice bike riding weekends in Alberta. They also happen to coincide with the FD's busy time of year. They have gone to mandatory oncall. I'd have to commit to 6 of the weekends, there are about 12-16 good weekends. Then courses and other stuff....like rain. Second, I am not into the crew competitions. So I write up my email to quit send it to the Chief.
I got some great cases at work, made me more well known. There was lots of overtime too. So I fixed up some stuff on the bike.
I got a massive cold, which laid me out for three days in bed.
I rejoined the Fire Department after the Chief talked with me.
Well thats about it for the stuff happening. Well not all of it. I have some stuff to discuss about why were need Right Wing people, Left Wing People and us centrists. That was the motivation to write this blog. I was formulating it and working it out. But then something else happened. I'll concentrate on that as it has had more impact on me personally.
My only interactions with people for the last couple of months has been at work, on Facebook, Words with Friends (sorry guys in games, but I have had a busy weekend), and Kinsmen. There have been zero fire calls.
So Friday, I was off, I slept in and was in no hurry to go anywhere. I got up at 11:00 am, and then decided to tackle some house rearranging. I did this for 3 hours and then decided I better get out of the house. It was Sunny and over zero. I planned ahead, this time. I stopped planning ahead as it was a lot of stuff to carry for naught. This time I brought all the chargers, change of clothes and shoes.
I headed West and got to the Park, managed to see a bison on the road. I stopped and took pictures. Behind me the next guy in a pickup decided to taunt the guy. I don't think that he took into account that bison are basically insane and don't get the nuances of taunting. The bison may have put a dent in his truck.
I entered the Park from the South and exited in Lamont. It gets boring taking the same way into town all the time. West of Lamont I decided to head in a route that would take me past Thelma's place. When I was close, I texted him. He answered, he was home.
I pulled up outside his house and conversed with him, he didn't realize I was outside. Finally I just went in. He was busy filling up an ipod for a road trip (I remembered doing this for New Orleans trip). This is important. He said to stay around and we'd head into the city. I took some pictures, he has artwork worth more than my bike, and then some. I took some pictures with the fisheye.
We headed into city and ate at Original Joe's (the same place as date from Hell). I told Thelma there was not BLT's on the menu. He didn't have his glasses with him, so I had to read him stuff. But at least I know that is a skill he has.
Got cruised by a cop. And yes he was, the guy he was with, another cop had his class of t-shirt on. Thelma started to joke, thinking this was going to be another disaster night.
We went to Woody's and had some beers. It was only around 8, I had decided I was going to see how things went. Robert and I spoke, he was discussing his route to Albuquerque and then he wanted to know if he should change his snow tires to all-seaon. I told him to do it as the roads would be clear and hot in the South. He finally decided he would do it.
Around 9:30 a guy I knew showed up. He was wearing an Armani sweater which was kind of neat. It showed off his muscles and abs etc. He also had a on a pair of jeans which kind of pushed everything out front. After he said hi to some people he came and sat with us. Ryan was married like I was, he has a son. He is now divorced and spends a lot of time fixing cars. When he is not fixing cars he does a lot of sex related stuff. This guy is pretty uninhibited.
The last time I saw Ryan he was talking about doing porn, going to join a studio. That was about 6 months ago. I figured it was guys talking. Now he has made one - if a person were to look, they could find it on the web. Some friends of mine showed me the site....no I wasn't in it!
Ryan was figetity, I'd say it was coke related or some other drug, but he is not a druggie. I think his sex quota for the week wasn't met. He kept saying he couldn't stay out, but he kept looking at me like he wanted to go and fool around. I didn't take the bait. I had sort of accepted the fact we would not be a We and I wasn't looking for a that. But he stuck around, my knee got lucky with his, remember the jeans description.
I went to the can, Ryan had made me feel good. On the way back I got outside the door and there was Nick. This is Nick from last year. We met at a Bear Bash, we hung out for a couple of weeks, but that was just it. Anyway, Nick and I spoke outside the can for about 5 minutes. Ryan had to come see what was going on. I think he had hopes I was going to fool around. I asked Nick if he was going to go downstairs, he said yes.
Around 11 Thelma had taken off, Ryan said he wanted to go dance and it was getting pretty dead in Woody's. I had decided I wasn't going home. I was going to stay at the bathhouse, that way I could drink. If I went to the bathhouse around Midnight I would have had a chance at some random sex...or Ryan. I hadn't been to Buddy's for awhile and I was kind of getting off being in Ryan's shadow.
Go downstairs, have a couple of beers and Ryan has a drink, I bought him one. This got him amped enough to dance. He started dancing, first he was conservative, then it was like Channing Tatum in Magic Mike. A friend on Facebook challenged me to take a pic, so I did. Ryan ate it up.
I got another beer, I wasn't feeling the dancing vibe, besides it was good to have Ryan checking me out a lot.
Karma time, a couple of weeks ago in my loneliness I was remembering the times Nick and I had had together and wondering when I'd see him again.
So I am standing there and Nick comes up and starts talking to me. Upstairs he said he was out with his room mate. In the gay world that has many meanings. In fact one of the people fluttering around me was a guy I attempted to date, that had a room mate (he was for all intents and purposes Single). Well single until the room mate came home. Then I had to leave quickly. This is even more ironic and just occurred to me, that happened the week before I met Nick.
Not seeing Nick for over a year and thinking that he was taken made our chatting pretty casual. I pointed out Ryan dancing, which just made him dance more erotically, now that he had more people watching. Nick asked me if I was seeing him, I said no. Ryan came back and stood with us as the DJ played some horrible song and then another. Then he played one that both Nick and Ryan liked, so they went out and danced together. Man that was hot, Ryan fist pumping and swivelling his hips and Nick going up and down in front of him. That was the hottest thing I had ever seen in that bar.
Nick came back and stood by me afterwards, he said a friend had to take his room mate home as he was completely loaded. Somehow Nick asked me if I was staying in town and I said yes and where and then he asked if he could join me. I was cool about it; inside my head fans in the Stadium stood up and cheered.
This happened, Ryan had to take off as he had to be up early in the morning to go to gym. The friend that took Nick's room mate home came and stood with us. We talked for awhile and then the friend, Andrew, wanted to go out to smoke. I seized this opportunity to grab my coat. I was thinking we were not coming back in.
But we did. The three of us talked, oblivious to all happening around us. The club emptied and I asked Nick if he still wanted to hang out. He said yes. When we were leaving everyone started hugging people and Nick bent over to hug a shorter person. I checked out his belt, it was shiny. That's my story and I am sticking to it! I was busted in the act though, Andrew looked shocked.
We went to a store to get some water and then headed to the bathhouse. We were there for a long time and spoke a lot. We were pretty frank with things and I said I hoped this would have happened last year. He said he wanted to but it was too soon; I agreed. This isn't any of my other blogs so this is a far as the description gets. Neither of us had anywhere to be, and there was no rush to leave. The place has constant music so the lack of sleep was what did us in.
Basically we found out we have more in common, which is good, no fucking great!
Nick is finishing school soon and he may be bailing for Vancouver. Which ironically is where Ryan is bailing to.
Playing it by ear. At least he could get some rides on the bike, he said he really liked that. Nick is into Arts. He made an 'It Gets Better Video' which is great by the way. He has another video which he did for school. I couldn't watch it on the ipad or iphone.
Anyway, I am checking out Turbonegro videos. Later!
My Ride
Glacier National Park
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Friday, 1 March 2013
March has roared in. It is 5 C here in Edmonton, it was 1 in Vegreville. I know to some of you that is cold. To us it is not and the snow has turned Edmonton into a slushy mess.
Slushy mess, lol, so I joined COSTCO a couple of weeks ago and they have a gas station. I used it the first time a couple of weeks ago too. When I was finished filling up I went to wash my windows and headlights, as they were both filthy. they didn't have the squeegee or any water.
After I picked up the new lens for my camera.....oh it's nice. I went to COSTCO and bought some food and went to Customer Service about the squeegees. They agreed and told me to fill out a comment card.
Today I got a phone call from the Manager of the Gas Bar. He explained why they don't have anything. I explained how people have to go to another gas station to wash their windows and lights. This was all well and good, but he was not going to put any squeegees out there, he was just calling to follow up on my comment.....maybe I will comment again, and again......It is not that much cheaper than anywhere else and the reason was LAME.
Oh, I got the fisheye lens, got it for $500, saved $300 off being new, it is six months old. Still has 4.5 years of warranty. I am happy. I bought D3200 for Dummies too - it is a book for the iPad, so that I can really learn how to use the camera.
There is a meeting of a group I am part of in Las Vegas in September.....vroom vroom - I think I will work more overtime to attend it. At least for one night. I could stay at my favourite place, I am not staying at Luxor.
So get this, I work with a woman who is a list maker - I would say OCD but that may be pushing it. We had a meeting yesterday about two reports, the boss asked for them. She did hers her way and I did mine my way. From what I understand they were not going any higher up the food chain, so I was not as technical as she was. So anyway in her usual self she had us sit down and proof read the documents. She would sneak a peak over at my piece of paper and ready a defence against any errors. So she consented on some of the things to fix. When I brought up other errors like content, it was like I said the Earth revolved around the Sun.
Then we did my report, she kept saying over and over that it was not professional and it could not go higher up the food chain without a MAJOR re-write. I fixed all the errors in 15 minutes and scrambling. A co-worker noticed that she was really hard on me - FINALLY.
So here is the good part, today I got an email from a contact, I will call him Deep Throat as I am not really supposed to be in contact with him. Even though he works for an organization I work with. So the email had a link to a site which we use.
The only problem was the site was public. We have the same information on a computer, stand alone, in a cabinet with a combination lock on it. Co-worker is the only one that uses it, although I have access. When she is in there, I swear we need to put up "Police Line Do Not Cross" tape. If she has to run to her desk for something, she makes me stop what I am doing and go guard it. But not look at what she's doing.
So anyway, today I got on the page with the same information as in the locked cabinet with my iPad. She was off today, this ought to be funny on Monday.
The dork didn't call. Did I think he would, no.
Tomorrow night is a bus trip into the city to go to Yuk Yuks with Kinsmen. It is a party bus, there and back. Free beers, well not really free. Will be fun!
The pics are of Starbucks and my house. I need to play more....later
Slushy mess, lol, so I joined COSTCO a couple of weeks ago and they have a gas station. I used it the first time a couple of weeks ago too. When I was finished filling up I went to wash my windows and headlights, as they were both filthy. they didn't have the squeegee or any water.
After I picked up the new lens for my camera.....oh it's nice. I went to COSTCO and bought some food and went to Customer Service about the squeegees. They agreed and told me to fill out a comment card.
Today I got a phone call from the Manager of the Gas Bar. He explained why they don't have anything. I explained how people have to go to another gas station to wash their windows and lights. This was all well and good, but he was not going to put any squeegees out there, he was just calling to follow up on my comment.....maybe I will comment again, and again......It is not that much cheaper than anywhere else and the reason was LAME.
Oh, I got the fisheye lens, got it for $500, saved $300 off being new, it is six months old. Still has 4.5 years of warranty. I am happy. I bought D3200 for Dummies too - it is a book for the iPad, so that I can really learn how to use the camera.
There is a meeting of a group I am part of in Las Vegas in September.....vroom vroom - I think I will work more overtime to attend it. At least for one night. I could stay at my favourite place, I am not staying at Luxor.
So get this, I work with a woman who is a list maker - I would say OCD but that may be pushing it. We had a meeting yesterday about two reports, the boss asked for them. She did hers her way and I did mine my way. From what I understand they were not going any higher up the food chain, so I was not as technical as she was. So anyway in her usual self she had us sit down and proof read the documents. She would sneak a peak over at my piece of paper and ready a defence against any errors. So she consented on some of the things to fix. When I brought up other errors like content, it was like I said the Earth revolved around the Sun.
Then we did my report, she kept saying over and over that it was not professional and it could not go higher up the food chain without a MAJOR re-write. I fixed all the errors in 15 minutes and scrambling. A co-worker noticed that she was really hard on me - FINALLY.
So here is the good part, today I got an email from a contact, I will call him Deep Throat as I am not really supposed to be in contact with him. Even though he works for an organization I work with. So the email had a link to a site which we use.
The only problem was the site was public. We have the same information on a computer, stand alone, in a cabinet with a combination lock on it. Co-worker is the only one that uses it, although I have access. When she is in there, I swear we need to put up "Police Line Do Not Cross" tape. If she has to run to her desk for something, she makes me stop what I am doing and go guard it. But not look at what she's doing.
So anyway, today I got on the page with the same information as in the locked cabinet with my iPad. She was off today, this ought to be funny on Monday.
The dork didn't call. Did I think he would, no.
Tomorrow night is a bus trip into the city to go to Yuk Yuks with Kinsmen. It is a party bus, there and back. Free beers, well not really free. Will be fun!
The pics are of Starbucks and my house. I need to play more....later
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