My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Saturday, 11 February 2012

11 February

Geez, everytime I write a blog I plan to be more regular. It just doesn't happen. Oh well

This last week was busy in a couple of senses. I had a good time with a friend in Edmonton on Saturday. We went to a couple of bars. He was headed off to Toronto by car to pick up a ward of his and take her back to Edmonton. She is around 90 and I guess there are issues at the place she is staying. Robert is retired, so he has lots of free time. Anyway, my mind heard: car, Toronto and US. He knows me well enough to say 'Do you have a passport?' We joked around about a road trip. It wasn't a good time for me to go. Maybe in a couple of weeks......but I was still thinking I would go when he passed through town.

I had a course this week, Workplace Health and Safety, I am a co-chair and the course is required to sit on the committee. I hate courses, normally they put me to sleep. That being said, I learned a lot this time. I hate when people don't respect me or lie to me. I was given the Code, but no one pointed out the important sections. There are basically 4 - they have to do with rights and responsibilities. I will make sure my replacement knows them before he goes to a meeting. I was getting rail roaded into decisions that were limiting rights under the Code. Guess what, we can't override them. It will be an interesting meeting on the 15th.

I have basically given up on ever meeting anyone. I am gay in the middle of straightsville and I live near a city that is just weird. The gay community in Edmonton is almost like the Republican party in the USA. I don't know if it because we have achieved too many rights, but I know it is fucked. Young people have no respect for older guys. 56 is basically dead to them. They assume everyone is a troll at my age. There is a whole section of guys from 40 - 60 who are missing. These guys have either packed up and moved to Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto. Some of the others never made it out of 80's & 90's RIP. This is a very valuable section, these guys would pass the baton to the younger generation and also be a support group to others. They are gone. So here I am tail end baby boomer, basically alone. Sure there are guys in my age group around. They are still married to their high school sweet heart and realized they had the wrong plumbing, so they sneak around. Or even better, a lot of them are only into guys up to the age 35. So guess where the young guys get the idea any one over 40 is a troll? I myself may be attracted to a 20 something, visually, then as Richard Pryor brilliantly said, they speak. So I aim for the guys that have life experience - over 35. I can meet them like crazy in the US. It seems they are still around, even in smaller cities than Edmonton.

Today I am kicking around before overtime. The mountain moved so to speak and we have extra shifts till the end of March. Car needs some work and I need $$$ for the motorcycle insurance policy, they don't let you pay monthly....High Risk Activity :).

I am happy Washington state has woken up. Not happy that Santorum is going to try and fuck it up. The big news was the San Francisco Police Department making an 'It Get's Better Video' man, there are some hot cops there.

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