My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Friday, 27 July 2012

Work and stuff

So I am co-chair of a management employee committee at work. At yesterdays's meeting I thought I had hit one out of the park. We had a meeting, I was chair. We got to a standard item and I brought the issue up. I did a pile of work before meeting on incident follow ups. I could find nothing to show that follow ups were done. I interpreted legislation to mean our committee was supposed to do that.

Management had other ideas. They had their strategy meeting and then had a sit down with me at end of the day. They cited privacy and other stuff. I told them it was my interpretation and I think I need to refer to someone other than management for interpretation. They understood. Then I said I was the only no-shop steward on the committee and I feel like a cork. Trying to keep them at bay. They had an idea how hard it was. They soon realized I needed another opinion. I will get one either from Fire Department , cause guess what? The have a committee too, by law.

Speaking of fire, I was riding into the city. I saw some black smoke. When I first saw it I thought it was from a truck on the highway. Later though I knew it was a fire. As I got closer the smoke got uglier. When I went past building on fire, it was on a service road next to highway, there were rubberneckers everywhere and kids riding bikes through the traffic, that was still moving. And they were looking at fire. I was scared on a motorbike. Kids!

I pulled off to the shoulder later and took a picture. I thought, what has Fire Department done to me that I can't get excited looking at a fire. I was excited, I just wanted to run in with an axe and a hose and fight it. Otherwise, meh!

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