My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Friday 7 September 2012

Jasper National Park

Lots of pics, this park is huge. It starts about 25 kms North East of Lake Louise and goes North for quite awhile. The Icefields Parkway goes through it. It passes some of the most beautiful scenery in the World, period. From the park gates to Jasper is 230 kms. There is a gas station at Saskatchewan Crossing - thank God! My bike would not have made 230 kms.

There was a lot of traffic on the road. At first I was trying to keep by myself and passing lots. But then I stopped and took lots of pictures. The water is opal coloured in the lakes. I didn't take pics at the Glacier, as it was the end of Summer and basically gone. I guess the ice has heard of Global Warming. But I have some pics of glaciers.

The ride was good, Wuthering Heights played at the top, where the glacier has scraped the mountain and there is a field of boulders, i imagine the ice moves them around like toys. It basically looks like a swamp with a whole pile of big rocks strewn around it.

Just North was a construction area, as I was riding by I saw some rock piles on the side of the road. I did a u-turn and went back and took pics. I was lucky the bike could fit on the shoulder.

Just around the corner is Tangle Creek, that is the tall waterfall. If you speed around the corner coming from the South, you'd miss the waterfall.

Heading North you get to ride beside the Athabasca River. It is opal coloured too. (I sound like Travels With Pepe).

Having the bike allows you to stop and take pics at non-designated places. One lookout for the Atha-B River was boing compared to the side of the highway. I stopped at the Falls, it was crowded, I think there was 5 buses there, and they were all at the viewing points.

I saw a sign for Edmonton and had to start motoring, so it would not be totally dark when I got home. I rode up to Jasper had a quick burger and then East.

Earlier this year I encountered a deer on my bike. I was riding along, and started to pass a car. She suddenly put on her brakes, I sped up a bit to avoid her veer to the left and then in front of me I saw one deer go by (I went phew), then another deer. We bumped into each other. I stayed up, and kept on going. I thought I was dead, I had to have friends tell me I wasn't.

Anyway. See the pic with the Big horn Sheep? There was a speed zone, to reduce your speed as there maybe sheep on the road. There were! Normally the moufflons are not there, on this day they were. So a lot of people stopped to take pics. Originally all the moufflons were on the same side of the road as I was. Then they decided to cross the road. As they were crossing one, then two ran in front of a pickup towing a trailer, I am not sure how fast he was going. But considering there were more than a few people on the side of the road, he was going too fast. The third moufflon ran into the side of the trailer. I heard a great big thunk. A woman screamed at driver. He didn't stop. The moufflon got up and ran across the road. He looks ok.

The pickup stopped down the road, I think he has to buy a new window for the side of his trailer. They look small, but they aren't and then can move fast.

The rest of the ride was ok. I got home 8 minutes faster than I thought I would.

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