My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Friday 7 September 2012

Radium to Lake Louise (Part 2)

So I was on the bike and had just entered Kootenay National Park. It was grey all the way up to the hot springs. I drove through this mountain, and then wham, the Sun was out. I was 4 kms from motel and in a different valley.

I just realized there are a lot of pics in this part, and there will be a lot more for the next part, so there are three parts.

Kootenay National Park was like Zion Canyon in Utah, passes through mountain, climbs, descents on lots of curves. It is also where you start to realize you are leaving British Columbia and heading into Alberta.

The pine beetle has been busy in this park. There were at least three mountains where they had killed all the trees. The Park Service was conducting controlled burns, I knew the smell. I was lucky enough to be going through when there was mist, so they hadn't started the fires yet.

I passed Dolly Varden camp area, it sounds like a sheep's name. I didn't have my velcro gloves!

Soon I was in Alberta and then Lake Louise. It was sunny this time. I drove up to the lake. There was motorcycle parking, very close to the walkway to the lake. A swapped camera duties with a couple, it was fun. I don't have a cheesy grin in front of the lake as there was an off road vehicle backing up, he would have hot me if I stayed where I was.

The pic with the boards and the lake was a total fluke, at that brief instant of time, there was no-one on that section of the walkway (actually this was the third pic, I have two others with an ankle and a shoe in the corner).

Comfortably Numb was playing on iPod, followed by U2's Numb and Sara MacLaughlin's 'Heaven Holds a Sense of Wonder' The music and the scenery were causing goosebumps.

Hoped on the bike and headed back down the hill. Got gas and then headed to Jasper National Park.

As Jasper is the most beautiful Park, it deserves it's own blog ...there are more pics.

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