My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Saturday 27 October 2012

The vacuum cleaner and the cop

This is going to be fun, mix fact with fantasy. Where to begin, the cop or the vacuum.....

If I go most recent backwards I guess the cop wins out. Grab a coffee....

So our town gets a lot of newbies from the RCMP depot. They come after graduation. One officer came about 3 years ago, he was from the East Coast originally. Anyway, I had several interactions with him when he was new.

Almost three years ago near my birthday I was out at a bar in town. A friend of mine was there as well. When it came time to go I noticed a cop car was lurking near the bar. Well where else would you be near closing time, right? Anyway, I had a beer or two and was nowhere near drunk. Was I near .08 ? I don't know. The officer, newbie guy, stopped me down the street. He told me I didn't come to a complete stop and he was going to give me a ticket. Then he asked if I was drinking. I said I had one or two. He asked when I last drank. I said an hour ago. I guess I didn't tell the truth, I had a drink before I left the bar.

Anyway, Newbie decided I needed to be tested. So he asked me to sit in the back of the car.

Some background here, I have never taken a breathalyzer test in my life. Officer Newbie had a Training Officer who thought I was a drunk, in fact he called me that at a party. I admit I was drunk at the time, but it would be wrong to call me a drunk - as in that is part of my profile.

So Officer Newbie sets up the road side device. I didn't know there was so much work. He gives it to me, i go to hold it. He says No! and grabs it back. Then he holds it I blow. So I just blew. He got upset and said I didn't blow long enough. So I went to blow longer, he was mad, you screwed it up. He reset up the testing device. Now armed withe process he gets met to blow again. I am crammed inside the back of the car. He tells me to take a deep breath. I did, i blew, until i went blue. Which was not long enough.

Officer Newbie then proceeded to tell me he was giving me one more test and if I didn't do it right I'd be under arrest for refusing to blow. I asked if we could do it outside so that I could breathe. He said for my protection we are doing it in the car. I said there is no-one on the street. He threatened again. He set the machine up and got me to blow again. I did, just about passed out, but I blew till he said ok.

Then the comedy started. Tapping the side of the machine to get the desired result. It never came. I then got the lecture, he asked where I was going, i said home. He then asked if I was stopping at another person's house for a drink. I said no, I live three blocks away. He asked if I was sure.

I get back in the car and go straight home. I didn't notice if he was following. Anyway, while writing this I realized that he screwed up even more than the obvious banging on the machine. He did not give me a ticket for the perceived roll through the stop sign.

A cop friend explained what happened. He asked if I saw the result I said no, he wouldn't show me. My buddy said it must have been ok if he let me drive my car home.

Fast forward to last Xmas. I was at Fire Department Xmas party and then we went to the bar. A crew on patrol came in. Officer Newbie was one of them. Since we work with them, I went to say Merry Xmas, even to Newbie. He visible refused to shake my hand. A few firefighters noticed. They then asked what that was about.

So today I was driving to the city. I was going a faster than the speed limit. I passed some cars at Mundare. I saw Officer Newbie was one of the cars I passed. He was in civies. After I passed him, he got out and passed me. He proceeded to drive in the left lane all the way to the city. He was ahead of me all the way, we were both going faster that the speed limit.

I guess he was following someone for a city trip. When we got near the city, he was in the left lane panicking trying to get behind the vehicle which he was following, which was now in front of me. Even though he had trouble with signal light, I managed to figure this out. I slowed, let him in front - it would have been funny if I didn't; but I am not the person his T.O. told him I was.

I got the cowboy boots back, man they look spiffy. I guess it was worth the $35 to fix them.

Now the vacuum, Saturdays are house work day; especially when it is not bike season.

So I did the dishes, laundry and and cleaned up living room. I decided to vacuum, I only have carpet in one room. Anyway, I go to the spare room/junk room to get the vacuum. It's not there! I check the bedroom, not there, then the kitchen, nothing. Basement, nope - although I would have no reason to take it down there.

I searched the house three more time, even checked the small bathroom. Nowhere to be found.

It worked ok the last time and it has a canister which can be emptied. I remember doing that. I searched one more time.

Where the F is it? I have a big screen TV in the living room and a pretty good stereo, a laptop and a PC. The PC was in the room that the vacuum was in. They were all accounted for. So was the iPad and the iPhone and many more portable things.

The landlord is the only person other than me with a key, I couldn't see him taking it. I dread to think he was walking around the house.

I am intrigued as to what happened now. What happens if officer newbie shows up at my door to arrest me as they found illegal drugs in the canister in my vacuum. I guess I'd ask for a lawyer immediately. So he can ask where the vacuum was that the officer managed to extract the drugs. And better yet, I'd like to see the evidence that it was my vacuum. If a vacuum is stolen, do you report it to the cops?
These are things I want to know. No I didn't lend it to anyone.

So if it magically re-appears, I will have been re-violated. Maybe they will leave rental fees.

I'd hate to think it was the landlord. His wife has not been well, but when she is, she is kind of snoopy.

I got the application in for the job in the East. It took three days to write it. I also went on an Excel course, no big whoop.


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