My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Friday, 30 March 2012


Took the day off, the forecast was for sunny and semi warm temps. After being trapped in the cage for the Winter, I needed to ride.

I slept in, and went to the gym when I woke up. If I had putzed around with coffee and breakfast I probably never would have got to gym. Five miles in good time. Then home, I had scrambled eggs with grated cheese and bacon.

I decided to take the long way into the city. I headed down 16 West to Tofield exit and then South. There was a pretty good headwind, I wasn't leaning this time. When headed South I was leaning, to compensate for the cross wind. A sport bike turned South on the same rode, we was going pretty fast. I was not going as fast :)

At the gym I continued reading the book about Gay Men and loving. The guy is into the therapy section, specifically transference. This is a weird concept where the therapist moves into a relationship with the patient that is equivalent to the parents. I guess they have to follow some rules.

Anyway, the next topic was the one that got me thinking. Apparently we program our Limbic section early on in life. In computer terms this would be the BIOS. It is damned hard to change this memory in a human. This is at the core of your thoughts. This programming explains why some people go from one abusive relationship to another.

Well anyway I had to stop reading as the concept resonated with me. Remember a couple of weeks back I posted a link to the big bang theory. Inception, the inception of a thought is is where God is. Let's follow the bubble now, you have a though, about anything, add a little God. I don't think that God programs or influences the though, but he might help with it's promotion. Next we add the inherent knowledge, located in the limbic system. This is your programming, it is how you react. Then add more conscious thoughts and profiling and you have a thought, which may lead to an action.

Fo the most part the action is good. Buddhists may look for signs of enlightenment in the thoughts/actions. They could analyze anyones thoughts or actions, in meditation. They don't normally, but every once in awhile something profound happens. Einstein's Theory of Relativity, the Aria in the movie Diva (La Wally), Van Morrison's 'Astra Weeks', Ginsberg's 'Howl' and many other examples. In fact there is a whole religion, which looks for these signs of enlightenment, the Baha'i Faith.

Anyway, I will ponder that some more. Good to think about when riding, running or any form of mediation.

So I am sitting at the Starbucks I have been coming to for the last 6 years. It is afternoon and some of the regular older folks, who congregate here, are here.

The Queen Bee(QB) is hilarious, she has a germanic accent. Here significant other used to come here. They used to park him here, he'd sleep. She would take off and go hang out with others. He would be here. After a couple of hours, someone would come and pick him up. I wrote about this about two years ago, I thought they were particularly cruel , it seemed like Starbucks was the babysitter.

Anyway, she is here today, the old guy is not. I haven't seen him in about a year. When I came in, I specifically wanted to write about the inception thing and primal learning. Queen Bee said some pretty rude things in the first 10 minutes I was here, a couple of old people left. She said the woman was only with the guy for his money. Looking at the guy, as her entourage were, I figured he has about 2 years left at best. Apparently he is rich, so she wants to hang out with him. I bet it is better than being alone. The lady came out and is now weeding the garden outside the Starbucks. QB is saying the woman is so nosy, the entourage agree.

Bikers were the next topic, maybe she can't see my chaps, helmet and gloves. Oh well. It takes all kinds and I guess her little cabal are curing the problems of the world. I sure hope they vote.

Riding yesterday I did something that I wasn't supposed to do, according to bike training, but it saved my bike. There is a lot of sand on the road, sand and bikes are not friends. I went down Queen Elisabeth hill, a great zigzag. There is a sharp left hand turn at the bottom. I slowed right down and turned the corner, I felt the rear wheel slide. I put my left foot on the ground to pivot. This is the part you are not supposed to do, although dirt bikers do it all the time. The stars were aligned, the right combo of brakes, gas and foot prevented my bike from tipping on the road - and probably costing me about $1200

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