My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Runner's high

Well runner's high doesn't just happen after running. A good day of riding can induce it. I got it.

I rode in the River Valley from Groat Road to Capilano Bridge. Then I crossed the bridge and up some stairs to Forest Heights, not sure. I rode from there down Whyte Avenue and back to where i started. Bonus, I got free unlimited parking on Jasper Avenue, no ticket.

I got soaked! I am glad I had shorts on and a hoodie, I was easy to clean up.

The guy from earlier had taken 4 hours to ride from Vermillion to Mundare, he had run out of energy. I pretty much ran out of energy after my ride.

A wacky bunch of right wing cops are commenting on Trayvon. They are pushing for all civilians to be carrying (concealed weapons). They have a picture of a cop back to back with a determined white woman, each have their guns out. Going back to the earlier thing on firemen. Some EMT's and Police think that with new construction there is less need for Firemen. Now lets take the everyone carrying idea further. What would we need Police Officers for? The Florida self defense statute could be the law of the land. You could shoot anyone and come up with a lame excuse. Police would be reduced to handing out speeding tickets. In Indiana, you could shoot a police officer entering your house.

I am sure Jon Stewart and Bill Maher would do better with this. Just some thoughts when I was biking.

Now another beer

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