My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Thursday, 22 March 2012

It's snowing

I stare out my living room window on this Thursday afternoon. As I do, great big fluffy snow flakes are falling. There is hardly and wind. The snow is piling up on the grass, but the side walks are just wet. No shovelling.  It was 7C yesterday and sunny. It actually felt like Spring.

Yesterday I was 'Uncle Buck', well not really but I was minding three kids - 1,3 and 7. They are their own persons. I have a son, he was enough work. Three are full time work. The 3 year old is the most though, she never stops talking. When she first saw me yesterday she said, 'I talk in my sleep' to which I responded, "is that because the day is too short.' It was fun, may do it more often, my friend works out of the house doing hair. She needs some help with the kids.

I am attaching the video about inception - it gives you something to think about when looking up at the stars. BTW it should be Via Lactea - the error in the first minute. I am listening to this while typing. To hell with my ancestors being royalty, I stepped out of a Super Nova, a star died for me.

I think my real job, the Immigration one could be accused of being ADD. We are trying to upgrade to a new computer application and reorganize the organization at the same time. No details will be shared, but I am finding that my usually fun job is becoming a challenge. I like challenges, pretty soon the change will become the norm. Just have to stay away from the naysayers.

Trayvon's case is getting bigger. The Police Chief has stepped down, for a break. In the story though it says he resigned. The poor kid, is this going to be a 'Skittle Defence' ?

Kudos to the French for taking care of the crackpot. To be honest when I read that he died jumping through a window with his weapon firing all I could think of was Jason Bourne going down in a blaze of fire. The sick  
fact is the guy was planning to kill more people. He didn't get his wish.

Watched the season finale of Southland last night. A great show. It  is done on a low budget and has a few stars, not that many. The stories, as weird as they are are based on stories from real cops. The writers have no trouble showing life as it is for a police officer. There is a chance that this was the last season, the ending left it like it could be. I really hope that the series is renewed.

No major discussions on the personal side, I was over the top last time. The book I am reading is still filtering in. I still haven't seen an example case that is close to mine. Not really close to Dad and close to Mom till about 7 or so and then it was like she was replaced by someone else. So basically nurturing till 7 or 8 then.........(well there is really nothing to but after then, it was Greg trying to cope with the cards that were dealt). I think I did pretty good, now to find some one. First thing I know I have to do though is to stop going to my safety net bars in the city. They are dying and there is no challenge there. It is the same people all the time and when I go to the night club, there are 18-23 year old. Sorry, no interest.

Of course, you don't need to go to a bar, but they are easier places to meet people. On a bike though, you often bump into guys that just want to go for a ride and hang out. Isn't that the old way to meet people, doing something you like doing. Then you are playing your A Game, not something that you are doing cause someone told you they know someone who knew someone that met their spouse or significant other at a super market and blah blah blah. I don't notice a gaggle of people in the Vegetable section pondering.

The weather is supposed to be good for bike rides next week. Maybe next weekend a trip to Calgary.


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