My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


it's Wing Night again, time really flies when your having fun!

The OtterBox case for iPad is disintegrating. They have a wicked iPhone case, which is indestructible. The iPad case which is supposed to be durable, is not. I am going to purchase one from a different vendor. The US Army, has a supplier they use, I would think they are harder on iPads thanI am; motorcycle season is coming up!

Speaking of Apple, it was announcement day today. The hype was a new iPad3. Well it is not iPad 3, it is iPad 'New'. It was hyped pretty good, it would be like at the bar and you take someone home that has a hot ass only to find out it was padding in their underwear.

Rogers has no 4G capabilities in this area. HG graphics may look nice, but most apps won't be able to use it. The camera is nice, but I have an iPhone 4S, which is the same camera.

Saves me money, if Apple is slowing down on innovation, this is one Aquarian that won't be blowing $$$ on a new toy every year. I am buying the extended warranty plan for my iPad 2.

This was supposed to be in the last update, a lady in a house two doors down has two dogs. Last week as I was headed to the Bingo meeting (I am the Chair for the Fire Department) I pulled car out of garage and the two dogs were all over me. I guess they were out for their morning poop.

The lady was out corralling them, This was a Saturday morning, she probably had enough of them pawing at door and knew what would happen if she didn't let them out. So she got up, grabbed her coat, put on boots and went out. Literally.

I saw waist length coat, legs and boots. The back of the duplex she is in has no step up to the French Doors, she had to climb up. It must have been a wash day......come on! anyone would look!

Car is fixed for one problem, Al noticed that the left front wheel bearing getting near the end of it's life. That was last week, today it was making all kinds of death noises. Car goes back to Al's garage tomorrow.

Had a case at work that I can speak generally about. In Canada we have same sex sponsorship of a spouse. (spouse being married spouse or in a common law relationship for over a year). So our customer, I am calling him Tinker-bell (TB). He was reported on by not one but two jilted ex's: Sugar Daddy #1 (SD1) and Sugar Daddy #2 (SD2).

This could be a

TB and SD1 met soon after TB's arrival in Canada. TB moves in with SD1, they must have been doing well as SD1
proposed to TB and they got married. SD1 set TB up pretty good, he wasn't allowed to work, so he got an allowance and all the benefits. Thing is, he was bored during the day. So he started to go out and look for fun. This fun involved him cheating on the spouse. Spouse submitted a sponsorship and assumed everything was ok. The gay community in the town they live in, is like my town. Everyone is into everyone else's business. Guess what, SD1 heard stories about TB. Confronted TB and booted him. Cancelled sponsorship. SD1 got screwed in Divorce Court. He actually had to pay spousal support.

Enter bachelor #2, SD2. SD2 was sweet talked by TB, who was now homeless. TB moves in with SD2, gets the bank account, the bed and all that stuff. SD2 is smarter than the average bear (he thinks) he won't marry TB as he doesn't want to pay support to TB if it goes South. Sponsorship submitted after a year. When SD2 is at work a bored TD starts to entertain, at gyms, bathhouses and solicits on Facebook. That was new for me, I thought poking was just an on-line thing. I didn't think poking, actually meant 'Poking'.

SD2 heard it on the grapevine that TD was not longer a one man, man. He cancels the sponsorship, boots TB out of the communal bed.

TB is sad. He has told all of his friends he is going to sleep his way to being a Canadian. He was writing the book.

With no income, and no way to legally work. TB creates a story of risk to his gay personhood in the home country. It was fake, it didn't work. The appeals didn't work. TB was on his last leg.

In comes Sugar Daddy #3 like a knight in shining armour. TB falls in love, they get married. TB goes all out hiring a lawyer and probably prays all of his previous relationships don't come to light. He must have been praying to the wrong God.

SD1 & SD2 are prepared to testify against TB. It is my informed opinion that SD3 and TB will be having a long distance relationship.

Oh, and back in the old country are two Sugar Daddies who have briefed the in Canada Daddies. TB will have a lot of explaining to do.

Why did I share that? It sounds like everything a soap opera could wish for. TB doesn't even know stuff about SD3 that I know.

The Gay Community has a lot of Tinker-bells and a lot of Sugar Daddys willing to put up with their shit. I guess it sounds good at the 'Oh Woe is Me' Bar. My message, grow up Sugar Daddies, the Tinker-bells will always get bored and move on. Find a guy that can't move so fast.

The restaurant is packed tonight!

Anyway that was my blog for 07 March 2012.

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