My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Quick update - 18MAR2012

This is why I like to post in the afternoon, I have more data.

As I said, the earlier post was a spurt of words that had to get out.

Since I wrote that, I started reading a new book. Commitment & Healing - Gay men & relationships.

I believe in Chaos Theory, and I guess you get to a point in your life where you have to change. I hit my wall. Some people operate on a 7 year or so time period. you cause a renewal every set period of time. Mine is here.

In the New York Times there was an article on aging - that tied in nicely with the book. Oh, I read the book at the gym.

If you want to understand gay people, I suggest reading this book. The author uses different people to show his points. He was a therapist. It will be a great ride. The book is written by Dr. Richard Isay, and is available on Kindle

I saw 21 Jump Street, it is a stupid comedy, but it is really freaking good. Channing Tatum plays dumb really well. It was a little gay at the end, or should I say emo. (In Iraq they'll stone you for being either).

Later - hanging out in a bar in Edmonton with Scaryoakie

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