My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Saturday 29 December 2012

Last Saturday of 2012

No deer on the way home from Calgary. I wound up taking the long way home. Lots of pictures. Actually there was a deer, outside of Nordegg. I fuelled up and was heading back onto the highway and there was one standing there. It looked both ways before crossing road.

The drive home took 10.5 hours. Out side of Rocky Mountain House I felt like getting a room. I was still 4 hours from home. But I kept on going.

I worked Thursday & Friday. I stayed in last night, watched The Bourne Legacy. That was a good movie. I think I am more of Bourne fan than Bond now. But I am not sure they are going to make anymore. Jeremy Renner was good. The whole drone thing was scary as well as the cameras everywhere. It is scary that they could find you anywhere. I know it was a movie, but, CBC has a story about privacy being violated in Canada in malls and stores. You are being filmed, there are no signs saying so. And they own your image, or they think they do. Everyone who enters the store and is filmed has the right to access the footage with them on it. It appears not many are. If there were the stores would be complaining about the's free, they have to pay it.

I am almost finished Mark Bowden's book 'The Finish: The Killing of Osama bin Laden'. I bought 'No Easy Day' by Mark Owen, a guy that was on SEAL Team 6. He apparently has a hate on for President Obama. Says the President did it for the glory. I am waiting for him to say Bush did all the work. Perhaps this gentleman should read former FBI Agent Ali Soufan's 'The Black Banners' and then 'The Finnish' - these books lead up to the raid on Abbotabad. They deal with the intelligence gathering and the risk that the President took in authorizing the raid....the one that occurred. But anyway, I have to read his book. No opinions, yet.

Christmas was good. I was at my friend Elisabeth's house, her son, Colin, is a co-owner. We had a good time. I was there for four days. I did take a trip out to Lake Louise on Sunday, it was sunny. I went out to take pictures. Have to use the Nikon!

Had some good conversations with people about various issues.

So it's that time of year, when people work out their goals for the next year. My birthday is exactly 4 weeks into the year, I make my resolutions then. But i start to formulate and act on them before my birthday.

So here are the tentative ones:

1) Take a lot of pictures, get a lot of practice. I am getting better at composing. The ones attached to the blog are mine.

2) Write more and not just this blog. I have to get lost in fiction. I have to create.

3) Find a change that works for my personal situation. While I love my job and the Fire Department. I have to get a life. The dating prospects are zero, where I am. Are they going to be much better anywhere else, who knows. But I have to try. If I occupy myself in writing and snapping pics, maybe I will change the course of my universe.

Well three is good....oh and I have to commit to losing weight. My 70 pushups a day are not doing that. I am too tired at the end of work to go to gym. But I have to. I had a test on lung capacity. I passed, but just. I always wondered why I laboured so much on hills, biking and running. I am at 80%. I am not sure what that means about being on an attack crew in a fire. I think they want at least 85%. Will find out when the doctor reviews the results. On my department it is a race to get to the hall to be on the first truck out to go into a fire. I am not going to go really super fast to get to the hall.....the cops can stop you and then you are on no truck. If you cause a collision......

There are enough other jobs at the FD to do.

My heart goes out to the families and co-workers of the firemen at Webster, NY. A psycho with an AR15 killed two and wounded two others. they wouldn't put out the fire and rescue his sister?

I belong to a group of gay law enforcement, firefighters and the other job I have. Most are Americans. We can agree on a lot of things, but they have issues with Canadian reality. They can't see why anyone would want to live without one.

My question, and I have seen a lot of Law Enforcement Officers who are anti-Obama, is why do you want heavily armed civilians? Is this a thrill show? Obama is the guy that wants to fund Police, Fire and EMT's as well as Teachers. Yet Police and Fire appear to be in favour of the GOP. Makes no sense. The police should know that Obama hasn't ordered officers to go on raids to seize guns, yet they believe FOX News when they say they know a cop who knows a cop who had to raid a family and blah blah blah... All names hidden to protect their sources. It is all bullshit, FOX has nothing; they are making the news. They are afraid of Blacky McBlackman (Bill Maher's name for Obama). Even FOS New's owner Rupert Murdoch has come out on the gun control side. WTF.

New Years party on Monday night 'taking the elevator home!

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