My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Helmet or Burqa?

So I just about died today, it would have been quick and I am sure one part of me would have wondered what happened.

I was at the Southend of the High Level bridge, on my bike. It is two lanes all the way across with a veer to the left at the South end.

I was behind a Ford F-something, it was a crew cab 4X4 an jacked up. As the road veered left, he stopped. There is no stop sign and no reason to stop. I stopped, as he did, the vehicle behind me....well he went with logic, there is no reason to stop. I just made it to the right lane in front of another car. I think he saw the impending carnage.

I yelled an expletive at the driver of the Ford. I think he wife has never heard expletives before. I was gone.

So yesterday, I met up with Nick from last week. I asked if he wanted to go for a ride on the back of the bike, he did. We did, we went for a ride for about half an hour. Then we went to Remedy for coffee.

We spoke about all kinds of things, his art. My writing. I need a cover for my book. I think it is one of my artificial barriers to getting on with publishing it. Anyway...Nick, art - he is taking graphic design. We talked about love and hate - I believe hate is a feeling, so it is not the opposite of love. Apathy is the opposite. Nick was asking what the opposite of hate is. Will have to ponder that.

We talked for about 2.5 hours and then I drove him home. It was a no phone kind of chat. Well there were a couple of interruptions, but no checking the phone every couple of minutes. Good times.

I went to Woody's afterwards to have a beer and something to eat. Thelma wasn't coming into town, I think he wanted me to go to Gibbons. Nothing going on there, so I went home.

It was ok in Edmonton, but it got cool on the highway, really cool. But I found there were pockets of warm air. I also found that the faster you went, the warmer you got. Is this reverse physics, the friction of the air on your body creates warmth? Well anyway, I was pretty warm when I got home.

The burqa thing...well I got gas at a Shell station, on the East side of town, I stop there a lot. Normally a guy of Indian or Pakistani origin is working. Last night a woman was working. I had the helmet on, earbuds and was listening to music. I went to pay and paid, then she said I should have removed my helmet, it is a law.

I said what law? She said head covering is against the law. I said I am not voting or swearing citizenship, so no it isn't against the law. The cameras had my plate number. It is a lot of hassle to get helmet, balaclava and earbuds off, just for a 1 minute transaction. I had already taken the gas, it appeared that it was pretty stupid to put a barrier up for paying for it. I guess if I asked for her work permit the politically correct police would descend from the roof, by rappelling, tackle me to the ground, cuff me and then arrest me. One could wish.

I got back to Vegreville and went to the bar out the front door for a beer. I was there for several more. I love that I can walk there and back home.

Today I took the long way to the city, via Lamont (the wrecked limos), Manland - the quads, and then to TimHortons - the bikes. I am at Starbucks now, writing. But it is 17C here and nice, hardly any wind. I was overdressed for once :)

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