My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


Normally I don't dislike lawyers, they are just there to make your job more interesting. But argh when they go to the Fox News school of facts arghhhh

Worse off, the two lawyers knew what they were doing, the one for our side and the one for the other side. In the finding of facts, my lawyer was hounding me to respond to the other lawyers Fox-like facts. And then, a whole house was built on these facts and my error in law was not addressing them.

Addressing what? There was nothing to address. There was nothing to allow procedural fairness on. Natural justice, requires a case to define the parameters, when you conjure a case out of thin air - there are no parameters. Finally it is ironed out, the Judge will decide on the mysterious case that never was that caused my error in law.

I just about got killed three times on my short ride home. Old people are exempt from common sense and traffic laws. How they get from one side of town to the other without being in a serious MVC is amazing. Stop signs, there was no sign there back in the day and nothing happened, why should they stop now?

There is an election in Alberta, the province. We have a party that has been in power for 41 years, running for a new kick at the can. There is a new party, the Wild Rose Party. They are right wingers too, further to the Right than the current party. The new party was leading in the polls. However they are getting cocky. Enter Reverend Alan Hunsperger (can I say assberger?). He is after the Edmonton School Board because they have a no tolerance policy for bullies. The bullying he is talking about is gay bullying. He says being gay is a choice and then he wrote 'you will suffer the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, hell, a place of eternal suffering. Now at this point I am not judging, I am simply stating a fact!'
The leader of the party says that she has no problem with this as the party will not be legislating on contentious social issues.

But that was on the weekend. Other loonies in her crew have taken the baton...

Dr. Ron Leech in Calgary, who was a senior leader of a Calgary Church for 30 years, a congregation of over 500 said 'I think as a Caucasian I have an advantage. When different community leaders such as a Sikh leader or a Muslim leader speaks they really speak to their own people in many ways. As a Caucasian I believe that I can speak to all the community."

Danielle Smith, leader of the party hasn't identified being a church leader.....yet. Has now taken to canceling press interviews.

Well the media brought me back to churches, here is a thought. All churches have some validity, well they all started off trying to relate God to the common man/woman. Some just got lost along the way. Let's take the Scientologists, to the Religious Right that is an oxymoron as science is anti-religion, unless it were to prove Genesis.

So they believe in some kind of aliens (thetans) or souls that have lived on other planets before living on Earth.
I am not going to go nuts on this, but lets step back a bit, maybe L Ron was confused when he heard the theory about a star dying for you. Or maybe he discovered a way to make a lot of money. Put magic underwear on these Thetans and you take on another religion.

So the new religions were founded as people felt that the existing religion did not suit there needs, there is no better example of this than King Henry XIII. He liked to marry over and over. The Roman Catholic Church did not agree with him. Henry created his own church, proceeded to kill a lot of catholics and burn down churches and came out with the Church of England.

I once owned a house in St Albert, North of Edmonton. It is a catholic community. When you go into to register for taxes you identify what school board you'd support. The default in St Albert is the Catholic School Board, the exemption is the Protestant one. By then I knew I was not supporting the Catholics. i said protestant to the young guy behind the counter. Obviously he was told to ask for more. "What denomination?" to which I replied Anglican (Church of England), he said "It's the same thing!" and he was proceeding to mark me down for Catholic School Board. I asked him if he had ever heard of Henry XIII. He said they had resolved their differences. I said 'Protestant and This discussion is over.'

I would think that a new study researching the beginnings of most religions may reveal some startling things. It would bring validity to my theory that your relationship with God is just as equal as the Pope's and Imam or the Dalai Lama. In fact, you may have a more pure relationship with God as dogma has not clouded it.

The massage was great, I am not as sore as I thought I would be. Have to go again.

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