My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Saturday Morning

Well, this was not a scheduled update. I was in the city last night, writing. I started writing again and the characters got carried away with themselves.

I was writing at Starbucks, sitting in at a table at the end of a string of tables. To the left of me were some Turks, Albanians and a Macedonian - only in Canada, or Germany.

There was an armchair on the right side of me. The armchair was empty most of the time, but finally a guy sat there. He sat down looked around and saw I was writing. Then he started to read what I was writing. Not just a brief glance, he was reading. I adjusted the iPad, but then it was facing to the Left. The Eastern Europeans made it known they were not gay friendly, they kept looking over too. I finally bailed, it feels like you are being violated.

Some may say why do I write in a coffee shop? Well every once in a while you need a new character, guess who they are? Next time you see a guy typing like mad on a computer in a coffee shop you maybe working your way into a book.

I went to Woody's and continued writing again. In the 15 minute break, the story changed. The characters started writing the story, I was just going along for the ride. This sounds weird, but try it sometime. Just start writing a story, shift your reality to be a character. The character's need are supplied by you the writer. As the character has more needs the story develops.

So anyway I continued writing in the bar until Thelma showed up. I can't wait to start writing it again to find out where it is going.

Thelma, OK this is hilarious, my Mom's name was Thelma, so his drag name is really hard for me to say, and type. But he introduces himself by that name. So be it.

My brother in law explained the Last Supper and Passover and their relationship, well now. Nice segue, Council of Nicea, how to tie Judaism and Christianity together. Sort of set up the marriage of Christianity and the Sun know, why Christmas is on 25th of December instead of when it really was. Hint, Pope/Emperor Constantine was not a Christian until he converted, in order to buy his conversion, there was some negotiation.

Anyway, Thelma showed up. He bought a new phone and I had to help him set it up. Well I didn't have to, but hey.

A few beers later and I wound up at Buddy's. My friend Brian showed up with some other friends and we wound up at Flash. It was a mess of epic proportions. I wound up grabbing Brian's keys to stop him from driving.

He stayed at the hotel of convenience and I stayed at some friends. Before going to sleep I sent him a text saying I had his keys. When I woke up there were a while pile of text messages.

I took a bus back to where my car was parked. There was no ticket! I am not sure if the Fire Department sticker helps, but I was surprised there was no parking ticket. I was parked on Jasper Avenue in a metered spot.

Years ago I suggested to a cop who is a friend of mine that there should be an amnesty on cars parked by bars, say till noon. This would take away the 'I gotta move my car' urge from the potentially impaired driver. I'd like to think that it worked it's way up the chain. Anyway, this is the third time I have come back to my car and there was no ticket.

I dropped Brian's keys off and came for coffee.

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