My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

We are getting snow, just like Sunday

I got to 19 yesterday and 11 today. The wind is cool, I am not feeling the Spring, yet. Tonight we have a weather warning for snow. Yesterday they said we were going to get 25cm, they have revised that to 10-15cm. But the warning says it will be in the Western part of the region. So everything West of Sherwood Park, which is East of Edmonton is getting snow. We are getting, well we'll see.

Yesterday after the blog we went into fire mode. There were grass fires all over the place, one actually touched our reason, but the wind was blowing West, so the next department over handled it. We assisted on one to the East of us. There is a complete fire ban in the region now....have you ever told a farmer he can't burn something? What's worse is when one of his neighbours calls it in and we go put it out. They charge at us with heavy machinery. I am happy in my yellow hat. The red hats can handle the b.s.

I found my glasses! Last week, when I was leaving work I put my glasses in my lap as I drove home from work. I was headed to Edmonton on the bike,and I knew I would need them for the trip back. This old guy has an astigmatism, light gets all wonky.
The glasses disappeared when I came home. I searched the car for 40 minutes and then said f-it and went to the city anyway. It's not like I am blind.

So today, I was headed to the bingo hall to do a head count for volunteers and i saw some glistening in the grass by the car. The glasses were there. They are flex frame so they didn't break.

Today, Nick from Germany posted a link to a blog, He said he cried. So I went to read the blog, I couldn't. This blog is blowing up it's servers. There is so much traffic the servers can't handle it. I did manage to get through the first page, in it a mother is blasting a teacher at a 15 year old's school and the writer of the blog. Apparently there is a print version of the blog called 'I'm Christian, unless you're Gay'. The gist of the post is a kid came home from school with this story. He had to read it and write an essay on how it made him feel. His mother saw the story and went ballistic, she didn't read one page, just the title. She threw it in the garbage and her son took off and went to his room. Background, they live in a community where to be gay is to be unloved by everyone. Because it says in the Bbile and blah blah blah. There is a good video in which President Bartlett from West Wing destroys this argument. Watch it, if you haven't seen it.

Anyway, the mother cooks supper and then she calls her son, he doesn't come. She goes to his room, opens the room and finds him gone. Some texts go on and she reads the booklet.

This is a video version of what she read. This is powerful, probably more so than the Kony video. This is something that you can do to make a change in the world around you. I watched it twice, the introduction makes more sense after you have watched the whole thing.

Now to some real comedy - there is an election in Alberta. I would pay attention to it, but how can you? The current rulers have been in power since 1971 - they are running on renewal, how Alberta needs a change from the same old same old. Conservatives really think people are That stupid. Anyway, there is a new party in town, they are more Conservative than the conservative (sic) party. These are hard asses, they are going to lower the ridiculously low taxes on the oil companies. They will probably use public funds to clean up the mess made in the Tar Sands. These guys are headed for a majority government.

Now here is the funny part, when you go to the A&W and they aren't joking about the rubber boots (don't ask). They are complaining about this and that and they always say that 'Some guy otta do something about dat' If you challenge them to vote for anyone left of centre, they almost have a heart attack. They want their handouts though. In the last election the Premier was our elected member of the legislature. He retired, the new candidate for the Conservatives is saving their money on advertising, hell, the sheeple here always vote for us, and then complain. Nothing will change, so he/she is saving money for a vacation. The Wildrose person has signs up all over the place. I hope the conservative person hasn't quit their full time job.

Well that's that. Have a good one, it will feel like Friday tomorrow.

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