My Ride

My Ride
Glacier National Park

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Saturday Ride

Well it happened! The weather was finally nice enough for a group ride. I joined a ground of riders via a website called Meetup. The ride, ironically enough was to Mundare. So I had to ride to the city to meet up with some guys to ride 3/4 back home. But hey!

The ride started at Tim Hortons in Shrewood Park at the Flying J. There were about 20 of us. It was still a bit cool, but the wind was blowing from the West, we were going East.

The ride took us South of Cooking Lake to Tofield. On the way there, there were lots of people on road bike (and spandex, heavy on the spandex). There were hardly any 4 wheel vehicles. Some of the pedal bike riders waved at us, we waved back. The trees have no leaves yet, I forgot the route we took was there. It makes a good alternative to highway 16.

At Tofield we stopped and had coffee. We then were supposed to head out 14 to Holden and then go North to Mundare. The lead was following his GPS, it brought us around in a great big circle back to Tofield. We took the road straight North to highway 16 and then to Mundare.

The restaurant we were supposed to go to was closed. They are open on Saturdays, i think it was a sudden closure, due to bikers. They probably bitch about no customers.

We went to the Mundare Pub, which kind of sucked as a guy brought his 12 year old son. They wound up eating someplace else then leaving.

The lead deferred to me to take us back to Edmonton. He didn't trust the GPS and I knew the long way.

It is different leading, always checking to make sure your pack is behind you.
I actually did the speed limit. All the way.

We went through Elk Island Park, the claim to fame is a large buffalo herd. We saw no buffalo for most of the ride. Then there was about 30 of them on the road. I took livestock training with the FD. They told us about buffalo, they said stay alert.

One of the guys had loud pipes, thats all it took! All of them started running, no towards me thank God. They headed East. But there were some hiding in the bush, they headed East too. Man can they move! 0-60 in about 10 feet. They have no fear of changing direction, they just do.

I was going to take picture, but camera was not handy. We headed back into Edmonton. They continued West on Yellowhead. I had to use can and take a picture of a Wildrose Party sign.

Later, have to take a moped rider for a bike ride.

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