Lay in this morning until 10:00 - a four day weekend. w00t! I had to get up, although I didn't want to, I could have spent the whole day in bed.
Anyway, popped out of bed, made coffee - lots. I have this thing I have to do on days off. I have to clean before sitting down to watch TV or get on the net. This is not negotiable, I have a day planned before I get out of bed, only to have it wrecked by some event on Twitter.
Today I knew I had to clean kitchen floor, do dishes and fold laundry. The laundry was priority one. I am normally busy, I have no problem washing and drying clothes, it is folding them and putting them away. Even though it only takes about 10 minutes, it sucks.
The last three washes were all in a basket awaiting folding (Elisabeth smirk all you want!). I have a lot of tshirts and underwear & socks. so technically I could go for a long time without doing laundry. Anyway, I sorted the tshirts into piles, Fire, Travel and Team (tshirts that are not appropriate for work.
The bedroom looks a lot neater. I had to take the duvet cover off. It is one of those Ikea models, that you stuff the duvet into. The duvet had bunched itself up and that left a lot of flat cover. It was a real fight to get the duvet to spread back out.
I went in to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. I had called my Dad earlier, it is his Birthday today. He managed to call back when I was cooking - 82. While I was talking to him on the phone, I swept the floor and tended to cooking. We chatted about a lot of stuff. I don't think he was prepared for privacy, polygamy and security issues - I remember when he would talk about work and I was feigning interest. Kids do get their parents
So I finally looked up what Passover was, I am generally up on religious stuff, but Jewish Holy Days are a mystery. They appear to have a lot of them. So anyway, Passover is to do with Exodus, when the Jews left Egypt a long time ago. I think this is before Masada. To me it does not appear to be a religious thing, more of a movement thing. Don't let the catholics start getting holidays for when they were persecuted! Anyway, it took me 56 years to notice Easter and Passover occurred at the same time. I can't figure out why Easter moves, Christ would have died on a day, in a calendar. The one that ended when he died - just like Christmas, it is on on the day he was born....oops, the day he was born - two weeks. I think the reason for the timing of these holidays is connected to Winter and Spring more than religious events. Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter to conserve food in the non-growing season. Remember they didn't have freezers in the old days. That's my opinion and of course that dilutes the significance of both holidays. But I get 4 days off work.
After eating breakfast, there was a fire call. I got shit. I am not going into details as it concerns a major issue.
I was on dispatch and had to call the police to the scene, per my Chiefs instructions. We have the station line, I figured it was faster calling it than 911. Others have done it. So I tell the officer that answered the phone the details, three times. This call was recorded and another firefighter was listening.
When the Chief got back to the hall he asked why I gave the wrong address and told the guy it was a car accident. A) I don't use the phrase car accident and B) I told him code three times.
Lesson learned, next time I am going to let 911 deal with police.
So I came to Edmonton after the call. The weatherman was wrong about the temperature, in Vegreville. We were at 6 after call, the high was supposed to be 4. I was going to take mountain bike to the city with me. The wind however jinxed that, 44 kph gusts. No fun on a bike.
Elk Island Park is a big park between Vegreville and the city. It is it's own eco-system, it is 10kms long on the highway. To the East of the park, no snow. About 9/10 of way through the park - snow. A lot of it! The road was clear, but there was snow all the way to Edmonton and in the city too. In the last post I said we were supposed to get snow, the pic with my car is what the sky looked like in the morning. The one with mailbox is when the snowfall warning was lifted.
Update, the blog is called Whew I's Over as it has to do with my coming out. The 'over' part is my closeted time. I haven't been as in your face as it would have appeared way back in December, but I am not hiding it.
Somethings about me, I am shy, I mean I am terminally shy. I always wonder why someone would want to know me. It takes a lot for me to talk to people in public. My heart rate goes nuts. To change this I do things like Toastmasters, chair committees at work, become a subject matter expert . Job interviews, exams and anything where I have to do something in front of someone cause terror. I can back up a vehicle confidently, but get a pile of guys watching and joking and I am a mess. Funny though, dressed as a firefighter or immigration officer and doing something that I have to do, I can do it. Reality, what a concept.
I was thinking about all this during my drive. Now to work on it.
Oh what does the binge cleaner mean. Well I am pretty busy that things get into disarray easily, and stay there. Then I turn into Mr Clean and clean. It started with car yesterday, I am going to charge Canada post rent for all the flyers that wind up in it. Today, I cleaned the house. I will tip toe around and be good for about 4 days and then the disarray will start again. No one ever comes to visit, so why bother, right?
Jesus and his dudes were eating the feast of passover for the "last supper". The movie "The Ten Commandments" explains the origins of the Passover if you are not into reading the "Exodus" in the bible.
ReplyDeleteThe Passover was when the houses of the Jews were passed over by "?" when it was going around killing the first born of each house hold. The Jews had the feast day because the very next morning, they hit the road for the promised land by way of the parted Red Sea. The flat bread, unleavened because of the haste of getting out of town before the Egyptians changed their mind about letting them go.
As for the date moving around, it is tied to a certain moon phase that occurs at this time of year.